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We have 4 Farms which are situated from the Karkloof in the West to Dalton in the East.

Total area of our UCL farms is 8730Ha
Total Area under Pine=4411Ha
Total Area under Wattle=1138Ha
Total Area under Sugarcane=689.7Ha

Our farms employ 240 permanent employees and during the year depending on the season will also employ the services of Fixed Term Contract Employees. We also employ the services of Private Contractors.

Our Primary products consist of 28 Year Old Pine Sawlogs, Pine Pulp, Sugarcane, Wattle bark and Wattle Pulp, Certified Seedcane and sales from our own Seedling Nursery supplying Quality Pine and Wattle Seedlings to our own Farms and Commercial Growers.

Sawlogs, Sugarcane and Wattle Bark are transported to our UCL owned Sugar Mill and Sawmill.

Our average Long Term Rainfall varies from 1700mm pa in the Karkloof to 900mm on the outskirts of Dalton.



Harden Heights

Harden Heights is situated 10Km from Dalton on the Seven Oaks Road.

It has a total area of 3400Ha employing 146 Permanent Employees.

Harden Heights has 1354Ha planted to Pine, 882Ha planted to Wattle and 689Ha planted to Sugarcane.

Part of the area of 689Ha planted to Sugarcane is an area of 71Ha designated to our Pest & Desease Nursery supplying certified Seedcane to our Grower Community.

Harden Heights also manages a Seedling Nursery supplying Quality Pine and Wattle Seedlings to our own farms and the wider farming community.


Winterhaven is situated between New Hanover and Seven Oaks

It has a total area of 1600Ha employing 42 Permanent employees

Winterhaven has 1323Ha planted to Pine, 58Ha planted to Wattle and currently 65ha planted to Gum.

The Plan is to fell all remaining areas of Gum by the end of 2018 which will subsequently be planted to Pine.


The Forest

The Forest is approximately 55Km from Dalton nestled in the beautiful Karkloof Valley on the outskirts of Howick.

It has a total area of 2230Ha and employing 40 employees.

The Forest has an annual Long Term mean rainfall of 1700mm which makes it ideally suited for Timber Production.

The Forest currently has 843Ha planted to Pine, 136ha planted to Wattle and 33ha planted to Gum.



Redclyffe is situated approximately 25Km from Dalton.

It has a total area of 1500Ha and employs 10 Permanent employees.

A contractor is also employed in order to carry out the maintenance and planting programs during the course of the year.

Redclyffe currently has 890ha planted to Pine, 61Ha planted to Wattle and 66Ha planted to Poplar.

It is the newest of our farms and was purchased in 2016.

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