Harden Heights is situated 10Km from Dalton on the Seven Oaks Road. It has a total area of 3 410Ha of which 1 320Ha is planted to Pine, 882Ha is planted to Wattle and 690Ha is planted to Sugarcane.
Winterhaven is situated between New Hanover and Seven Oaks. It has a total area of 1569Ha of which 1 325Ha is planted to Pine, 71Ha is planted to Wattle and 13Ha is planted to Gum.
The Forest is approximately 55Km from Dalton is nestled in the beautiful Karkloof Valley on the outskirts of Howick. It has a total area of 1 562Ha (including various leasehold areas) of which 859Ha is planted to Pine, 161Ha is planted to Wattle and 101Ha is planted to Gum. The high rainfall makes The Forrest ideally suited for Timber Production.
Redclyffe is situated approximately 25Km from Dalton, in the outskirts of Greytown.
It has a total area of 1500Ha of which 890Ha is planted to Pine, 61Ha is planted to Wattle and 72Ha is planted to Poplar.